In your opinion, who is guilty when a Muslim (or a member of any religion) commits a crime? Islam (or any religion) or the individual person?

Alshaimaa Mohammed, Al Azhar University


  1. In my view, clearly the individual is guilty not the religion. I think your question makes a good point. It is very important to differentiate between Islam as a religion and individual Muslims' crimes.
    Every society has criminals. But to hold all of Islam or all Muslims responsible for their actions is as foolish as holding all Americans responsible for the actions of an American serial killer.

  2. Dustin SchwindtNovember 10, 2010

    I definitely feel that individuals are responsible. A wonderful speaker named Reza Aslan came to Salt Lake City to talk about Islam's relationship to America and the west and he spoke about the importance of the Mosque in stopping people from doing terrible things. He said that it is often those who are part of the culture but separated from their faith that sometimes act badly. Islam is a religion of peace and should not be judged for the actions of one individual who moves away from its principles.
